How to Pitch on LinkedIn?

Abhisht Abhivyakti Pathak
4 min readOct 8, 2021

The fundamentals of selling have changed drastically over the years, activities that were once considered a necessity in this line of work are now losing their significance especially in the digital age of today.

One activity that probably will never disappear from the sales process is ”The Sales Pitch”.

Even though the intricacies of a sales pitch are ever-evolving, this core pillar of the sales process is here to stay. Delivering an effective and persuasive case for your product or service on the spot is a crucial capability that separates great salespeople from good ones.

What exactly is a sales pitch?

A sales pitch or a presentation is basically communicating the value of your offerings in an attractive manner that may sway an unfamiliar person to make a purchase.

I am sure you have heard of the term “Elevator Pitch”. The idea here was to have rehearsed lines to make the case for your offerings which could be slid into a conversation to ignite meaningful interest. Sales pros can recite their elevator pitch even if they are half asleep.

But today, these rehearsed, copy-pasted pitches don’t leave the best impressions on a prospective customer. Today sales pitches need to be more versatile and personalized.

So, How to make a sales pitch?

First, let’s talk about how not to make a sales pitch.

Do not memorize and rehearse a scripted message and then serve it up word for word, regardless of the audience. Today’s consumers are becoming impervious to this impersonal approach. It simply doesn’t resonate with them.

Now let’s talk about how to do it!

1. Know who you are talking to

Researching and understanding the prospective buyer before you reach out to them is absolutely critical. You need to understand why they require your offerings and how you can solve their pain.

2. Understand what is important for the customer

I am sure you must have a long list of benefits of your offerings that you can pitch. Don’t just shower them with all of them at once. People usually do not have a lot of time and you need to respect that. Try to pick out the most relevant advantages for the prospective buyer and pitch those to make a good impact.

3. Question yourself at every point

Be prepared for pushback. Question yourself from the perspective of the buyer, and be prepared with the answers to resolve any possible hesitations from the buyer’s end.

4. Empathize with your consumers

Start your pitch by acknowledging the problems that the prospective buyers might be facing and be empathetic towards them. if you just talk about the offering you are selling you are bound to lose their interest quickly. This is more about asking questions and not prompting solutions. Open the door for your buyer to share their pain points and let them carry the conversation.

5. Leave them with something to do

Do not get disheartened if you don’t close the sale on the spot. It is a very rare occasion. Especially, In a b2b marketplace because there is collective decision-making involved there. So, instead of creating pressure on the prospective buyer to purchase the product on the spot, leave them with a different easy to do call-to-action (CTA), Eg, “Check out this case study on our website from a business that was in a similar situation and let me know what you think”. This will make it easier for them to signal interest without commitment.

Selling is an art that takes a lot of time to master for some and comes naturally to others. Do not let the failure bother you at all, just keep hustling and improving yourself.

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Abhisht Abhivyakti Pathak

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